Meet Lulu, our sassy handtied bouquet packed with the very best blooms from the weekly flower market in our signature Periwinkle colour mix. Lulu is a delightful surprise worth answering the door for. Stems are tied into a bouquet, ready to be placed in the recipient's own vase upon delivery.
Lulu is available in four sizes (classic size shown) and is delivered standing in a water pouch for hydration, carefully wrapped in a protective box with premium tissue paper, ribbons and a handwritten card with your message.
Classic- A sweet & full look.
Full- Pump it up to pack a big punch
Luxe- Big, bold and taking no prisoners!
Super Luxe- Our biggest, super full with all the beautiful things!
We provide example images to showcase our style and size. Your order will be custom-made with the finest blooms of the day in our signature pastel with pops of bright colour palette, ensuring it's unique and crafted specifically for you by our skilled designers.
Order by 10am for the Greater Toronto Area, or by 2pm for local Toronto flower delivery (All Saturday deliveries must be ordered by 3pm Friday) Miss the deadline and need it there today? Call us at 416 322 6985, let's see if we can still get that delivered for you. Time to work some flower magic!